Fine Tuning: The Gradisca Concert

April, 2010
CD Jewel Box
Lol Coxhil / Enzo Rocco

Taken live at 2008 All Frontiers Festival finally on record this great, sincere, fresh duo finds here an happy declination of its intrinsecal creativity.
The ubiquity of Coxhill’s sax lines are here answered, cherished, enhanced by the excellent guitar touch of Enzo Rocco.

It’s a sort of subtle anarchic dance, intriguing and true.

Lol Coxhill’s unique sound statement is really an impro trademark: hypnotic and cartoon, lyrical and harsh.
Enzo Rocco’s intelligent drive has the gift of immediacy and the force of depth, at the same time.

Amirani records is proud to be part of this venture!

Jouko Kirstilä

Saksofonisti Lol Coxhill omaa vahvan brittiläisen progressiivisen rockin ja jazzin taustan. Hän hallitsee yhtä hyvin niin perinteisen jazzin kuin soulin soiton. Blues ei ole ollut myöskään yhtään vierasta hänelle esiintyessään Champion Jack Dupreen kanssa. Ska taipui Rico Rodriquezin ja Jazz Jamaican riveissä aikoinaan mukaansatempaavasti. Viimeisen vuosikymmenen aikana hän on kuitenkin parhaiten tunnettu ensisijaisesti vapaasti luodun musiikin esittäjänä. Hän on tehnyt monia projekteja eri avant-garde artistien kanssa. Tällaisen kokeellis-edistyksellisen musiikin luojana hän on parhaimmillaan. Hänen paneutumisensa improvisoidun musiikin lähteille on huolellisen perinpohjaista.

Enzo Rocco on ollut merkittävä vaikuttaja italialaisessa ja eurooppalaisessa nykymusiikissa jo jonkin aikaa. Hän on työskennellyt 1990-luvun alusta lähtien monilla musiikin alueilla. Hän on tehnyt musiikkia teattereille sekä balettiin, hän on vaikuttanut italialaisen kansanmusiikin alueilla ja tehnyt improvisoituja tapahtumia runoihin ja taiteeseen. Hän on eräänlainen ajattelija, joka pyrkii näyttämään toteen, että musiikin esittämisessä on piirteitä, jotka tulevat esille vain kokeellisella tasolla. Se saadaan aikaiseksi ja luodaan vain vapaalla ilmaisulla ilman ennakkovalmisteluja. Yhteistyö Lol Coxhillin kanssa on alkanut jo toistakymmentä vuotta sitten.

Soitto kulkee huolitellun sutjakkaasti ja luontevasti. Siinä on vahvaa runollista pohjaa, ilmeisesti Andrea Zanzotton runouden pohjalta luotuna. Lyyrisen harmonisen soiton rinnalla aika-ajoin soittajat intoutuvat huutaviin irtiottoihin. Soitossa on vahvaa mielikuvituksellisuutta, mutta samalla erittäin eriskummallista humoristista pohjaa. Sitä tämä rehevä duo luo vahvalla positiivisella asenteella. Molemmilla on oma ominainen erikoislaatuinen ilmaisutapansa luoda siinä hetkessä improvisoitua musiikkia, hitaasti, tietyllä varovaisuudella, kiireettömästi, kuitenkin haastavalla otteella.

Roccon kosketus kitaran kielillä on rennon helponoloista. Se on täsmällistä, mutta samalla täynnä yllättäviä koukeroita. Hän saattaa kierrellä ja kaarrella ympäriinsä yhtä rataa, mutta poistuu siitä huomaamatta, vaihtaen ilmaisuaan. Yhteistyö on sujuvaa ja etenee laadukkaasti. Tuloksena on vaikuttava ja rehevän intiimi esitys. Roccon soitto saattaa tuntua kuivahkon suoraviivaiselta, mutta Coxhillin on helppo vastata siihen kovalla värähtelevällä ja vaihtelevalla sopraanosaksofonin ylärekisterillä. Nämä herrat tietävät miten homma toimii. Soitto etenee päättäväisesti uusia ideoita ja esitystapoja tapaillen kaiken aikaa. Sävelet lentelevät värikkäästi, musiikki elää ja kehittyy ja löytää oman paikkansa ja tarkoituksensa, kasvaen ja luoden avaruutta ympärilleen.

"Fine Tuning" kuuluu vaikeasti lähestyttäviin levyihin sisällöltään. Tämä ei missään nimessä kuulu kaikkien jazzin harrastajien ehdottomiin "must"-valintoihin. Sen osittaiset, hyvin minimalistiset osiot, saattavat kuulostaa ensi kuulemalta puuduttavilta, mutta ovat samalla myös hyvin rikasta ilmaisua. Toisaalta reippaan energiset "revitykset" ovat herättäviä ja luovat mielenkiintoa. Kuunteleminen vaatii joka tapauksessa keskittymistä, muuten se saattaa puuroutua ja jättää tyhjän olon. Tämä levy kuuluu kastiin, joiden kaupallinen myyntituotto varmaan jää kovin vähäiseksi, varsinkin kun siinä on vain yksi raita, joka kestää reilut 33 min. Toisaalta oletan, ettei levyä ole tarkoitettukaan suuren yleisön kassamagneetiksi. Tämä on vapaasti paikan päällä esitettyä musiikkia, jota voidaan kuulla vain sen yhden ainoan kerran samassa muodossa. Tässä mielessä levy palvelee niitä, jotka haluavat kuulla jotain ainutkertaista konsertti musiikkiesitystä. Esityksen voi myös jokainen käydä kuuntelemassa ja katsomassa osoitteessa (JKi)

Jazz Word
Ken Waxman

Nearly ageless and indomitable, British soprano saxophonist Lol Coxhill, who turned 80 on September 19, seems to have tapped into some sort of woodwind player youth elixir. At least his playing is as notable as an octogenarian as it was when he was say, a callow senior citizen.

Besides playing in the London Improvisers Orchestra, some of whose members are 40 or 50 years his junior, the saxman excels in small group settings. Of course, superior improvising is aided by sympathetic associates, and on these notable sessions, Coxhill is matched individually with two of the best. Fellow Italian guitarist Enzo Rocco, who partners him on Fine Tuning may be Baby Boomer, has considerable experience working with quirky reedists. Rocco has played with Turin’s Carlo Actis Dato and Brussels’ André Goudbeek.

Fine consists of a single extended improv from 2008.

Rocco’s close-miked string snaps and agitated chording operate in the same zone of restrained friction as Coxhill’s pumped multiphonics, mid-range snorts and quivering trills. As the two suggest playing strategies to one another, usually in chromatic concordance, the piece goes through several variants. The guitarist’s chunky twangs are replaced by reflective flat-picking, and the saxophonist’s pinched vibrations become more legato and linear. At mid-point, intense tongue-fluttering from Coxhill’s horn and taut friction from Rocco’s strings parallel one another. However, when the reedist introduces abstract circular breathing, the guitarist holds onto blues-like inflections. These licks latterly become more percussive and ultimately serve as timbral connections when the saxophonist’s vibrations threaten to re-orient the interface. Eventually slurred fingering on Rocco’s part and staccato vibrations from Coxhill meet for a joint climax of splayed reverberations.

Steve Lacy once opined that “Free Jazz keeps you young”. Coxhill who also played with the American soprano saxophone master, proves the truth of that statement.

Citizen Jazz
Franpi Barriaux

Le guitariste Enzo Rocco est un improvisateur italien de premier plan qui s’est souvent attaché à travailler le son clair de sa guitare, dont la distorsion est bien souvent absente, en s’entourant de tubistes. C’est ainsi qu’on a pu le voir arpenter le monde des années durant avec son Tubatrio. En France, il a également joué avec Bruno Tocanne et Frédéric Monino. Sa rencontre avec le sopraniste anglais Lol Coxhill remonte au début de ce siècle et ses London Gigs sont une succession de duos avec les comparses de ce dernier, Steve Noble ou John Edwards, par exemple. Habitué des soli ou des relations intimistes en duo, Coxhill, quant à lui, s’est fait parcimonieux sur disque dans les années 2000, malgré une imposante présence sur scène.

Ce concert en duo, enregistré en 2008 à l’occasion des vingt ans du festival « All Frontiers » de Gradisca d’Isonzo [1], dans le Frioul, à quelques kilomètres de la Slovénie, permet de constater que l’Anglais n’a rien perdu de la fougue distanciée et de la jovialité méticuleuse qui ont fondé son son rocailleux et cependant très pur.

Fine Tuning est une rencontre brève (l’album dépasse à peine la demi-heure) mais fructueuse entre deux musiciens manifestement heureux de se retrouver. Nul affrontement ici, puisqu’aucun des deux ne cherche la suprématie sur l’autre ; Fine Tuning, ce n’est pas seulement l’accordage idéal, c’est une double entente. Mieux, une double écoute fondée sur des directions communes malgré des versatilités constantes. Le jeu parfois étranglé de Coxhill est l’axe autour duquel le volubile guitariste circule avec détachement, grâce à son extraordinaire toucher. On sent de l’humour dans chaque prise de « parole », de l’imagination dans les fausses pistes, mais peu de chausse-trappes, seulement des zigzags harmonieux et des déviations espiègles... Le propos est commun, et dans ce morceau unique, il y a peu d’échappées solitaires, même si le soprano semble prédominant dans la voie à tracer. Lorsque Coxhill part en éclaireur, la guitare de Rocco se fait discrète, distillant de subtiles rythmiques en tapinois jusqu’au quasi-silence. A l’inverse, si la guitare s’approprie le discours, c’est encore pour étoffer les lentes stridulations de Coxhill. Fine Tuning témoigne de la joie commune qui peut animer à la fois les musiciens dans l’immédiateté de la création et leurs auditeurs, comme une bouffée d’air frais.

New Zealand
Jim Langabeer

Rose is a rose is a rose

Loveliness extreme

Gertrude Stein asks if you can see the rose, be enchanted by its velvety red colour, smell its fragrance, touch it, and share its reality.

Writing about music, there is just one poem: Listen!

Go to google, to You Tube: join the crowd at the Gradisca Concert event captured on this disc.

Give yourself to the music, or do you have to have someone’s opinion before you open your mind to the journey?

No lyrics, no backing track, just two great players sax and guitar, and an audience having the musical time of their lives. 35 minutes never to happen again. Except that it is here on this CD: Fine Tuning.

Coxhill has more than 50 recordings available, spanning 40 years of iconoclastic music making: can you ignore this great artist?

Enzo Rocco, a guitar wizard, someone special: check him out.

And enjoy the CD. Fine Tuning – tune in, tune yourself, liberate the music in your soul.

All About Jazz
Glenn Astarita

There are no hard and fast rules that suggest improvised music cannot be a congenial undertaking. Free expressionism should not always be engineered upon overly cerebral formats and ideologies, contrary to popular belief. Fabled saxophonist Lol Coxhill and prominent Italian guitarist Enzo Rocco conjure the best of both worlds throughout this amiable set, recorded live at a festival in Italy.

For decades, Coxhill has been a staple within the British free-jazz movement, yet is a supremely versatile artist who has appeared on progressive-rock and mainstream jazz outings. Here, he aligns with Rocco for a continuous piece that is built on extended note contrasts and upbeat dialogues, spiced with the guitarist's willowy single note runs.

The duo effectively uses space to create some breathing room in between dialogues but usually operates within a steady state mode to complement the variances in pitch, perpetuating a lighthearted manner of suspense via these ongoing inventions, sketched by intuitive interactions and a magnetic resonance. More important, the musicians do not barrage with a cacophonous onslaught and focus, primarily, on the development of subtle melodies and odd-metered choruses.

Rocco's meticulous and animated lines are abetted by closed-hand techniques and linear passages, often serving as the rhythmic element, while Coxhill's wily means of mimicking and dishing out contrapuntal phrasings are designed with pleasantness and keenly offset with edgy overtones. The duo instill a budding current, tangled with a web-like array of deviations that induce notions of synchronicity, for free improvisation framed upon the duo's charismatic exchanges and unbridled synergy.

All About Jazz
Mark Corroto

This one track, just short of 34 minutes, is a filling and fulfilling collaboration by two like minded artists. British saxophonist Lol Coxhill and Italian guitarist Enzo Rocco recorded this very intimate live date at the All Frontiers Festival in 2008 in Gradisca D'Isonzo, Italy. Rocco, a frequent collaborator with Carlo Actis Dato, is both an inside and outside player. Like Coxhill, he can fly with the freest of jazzmen or handle precise charts. Together, the two recorded London Gigs (Prominence, 2000) with John Edwards, Steve Noble and Veryan Weston.

Here the players are never at a loss for momentum. Coxhill, the master of extended technique, carefully budgets the expenditure of his sounds, displaying his virtuosity without extravagance. Alongside Rocco, the saxophonist mirrors the guitarist's good humor. Rocco holds his notes close to his chest, shifting from quick flares and lingering intimacies. With sounds rebounding off each other, the duo rarely clashes, instead preferring to finish each other's sentence. The recording feels more like a familiar conversation than a live concert. 

Vincenzo Fugaldi

Lol Coxhill, classe 1932, Portsmouth, sax soprano. Enzo Rocco, classe 1963, Crema, chitarra. C'è un sentire comune che unisce questi due musicisti così apparentemente distanti: l'improvvisazione. La collaborazione tra i due risale a una dozzina di anni addietro, e ha visto una prima realizzazione nel 2000 con la pubblicazione del cd "London Gigs", insieme a Veryan Weston e Steve Noble. Lol Coxhill è arrivato al sax soprano attraverso l'alto e il tenore, e all'improvvisazione solitaria passando per gli standard e il R&B, il latin jazz e il cool, ed è stato componente di gruppi storici come Brotherhood of Breath, Company, Melody Four, Dedication Orchestra, The Damned. Enzo Rocco, laurea al DAMS bolognese, ha svariate esperienze musicali sin dal 1985: il Tubatrio con Giancarlo Schiaffini ed Ettore Fioravanti, i duo con Carlo Actis Dato e Stefano Bagnoli, il Gruppo Musica Estemporanea. Coxhill e Rocco si incontrano in questo condensato cd (un unico ininterrotto set di circa 33 minuti racchiuso un un'unica traccia) in omaggio a un'idea comune di improvvisazione radicale, in cui il suono nasale del soprano si intreccia al fraseggio à la Derek Bailey della chitarra in un dialogo relaxed, che lascia spazio per soliloqui e rumorismi, ma senza trovarne per l'urlo, per la rabbia. I due inseguono una poetica – che, ovviamente, avrebbe più senso cogliere dal vivo, nell'esatto istante in cui avviene l'accadere improvvisativo, con la sua stimolante aleatorietà – fondamentalmente cool, che si sviluppa all'insegna della pacatezza, e non si dimentica, specie negli assolo, di ricercare brandelli di melodie.

Grego Applegate Edwards

Lol Coxhill, out taxman of many sessions, joins Enzo Rocco of electric guitar abstractions in a 30-minute-plus set of out improvisations. As Coxhill coaxes a variety of timbres and phrases out of his soprano, Rocco puts up a barrage of rapid-fire expanded tonal lines (not unlike Joe Morris in some ways, though perhaps a bit more percussive).

They pretty much develop where they begin and keep it flowing. They are quite inventive in the mode they have selected. These two hit on an out kind of channel and stay there. It's well done, if not terribly earth-shattering in impact. Would you like it? If you like the abstract kind of outness you probably will.

Так уж получилось, что в 2010 году дискография известного итальянского фри-джазового гитариста Энцо Рокко пополнилась сразу двумя внешне схожими альбомами. В обоих случаях это концертные записи, в обоих случаях дуэты и в обоих случаях партнером Энцо выступает сопрано-саксофонист. О проекте Seis Episodios en busca de autor мы уже писали, теперь речь пойдет о другой работе. И в этой связи сразу становится очевидным, почему речь идет только о внешней схожести обоих проектов.

Достойные, но слишком разные партнеры были у Энцо Рокко в том и другом случае. У каждого музыканта – свой строй мыслей, чувств, идей. Для установления взаимопонимания с партнером по сцене, особенно если речь идет об импровизационной музыке, где все рождается «здесь и сейчас» нужно, чтобы, как модно сейчас говорить, совпала «химия». И такая, подсознательная, на уровне подкорки головного мозга, на уровне энергетических импульсов, посылаемых и воспринимаемых партнером, связь была установлена 15 ноября 2008 года на сцене фестиваля в итальянском городке Градиска д’Изонцо, где встретились Энцо Рокко и Лол Коксхилл.

В тот раз партнером Энцо стал мастер, умудренный и богатым опытом, и умением очень тонко чувствовать партнера. Лол Коксхилл (р.1932) - ветеран британского джаза свободной формы, игравший со многими видными музыкантами – авангардистами, причем, не только джазовыми. В молодости Лол начинал с прогрессив-рока, а позже сотрудничал и с панк-группой The Damned. Столь пестрый послужной список – залог умения сыграть с любым партнером. Тем более яркой получилась музыка, когда в диалог с его сопрано-саксофоном вступила гитара такого мастера, как Энцо Рокко.

В альбоме Fine Tuning – The Gradisca Concert всего одна композиция. Встреча Рокко и Коксхилла вылилась в сплошной, более, чем получасовой атональный поток звукового сознания, в котором бессмысленно искать ведущего и ведомого. Зачастую именно гитара Энцо задавала направление развития, на что немедленно откликался стенающий и экспрессивный саксофон Лола. Порой гитара создавала некие островки ритма, точки опоры для последующего погружения обоих партнеров в вихрь свободной импровизации. Для меня финал альбома оказался совершенно неожиданным. Казалось, последние звуки гитары и саксофона ушли куда-то в область ультразвука, и там продолжают свой диалог, который мы просто не способны уловить. В аплодисментах публики мне послышалось сожаление о том, что все это волшебство закончилось так быстро и надежда, что диалог двух мэтров импровизации еще будет возобновлен.

Herman te Loo

De Italiaanse gitarist Enzo Rocco werkt graag met kleine bezet- tingen. Naast zijn vaste duo met landgenoot Carlo Actis Dato nodigt hij graag andere sparringpartners uit. Deze twee recente cd’s met sopraansaxofonisten (‘Fine Tuning (The Gradisca Con- cert)’ en ‘Seis Episodios en Busca de Autor’) laten horen wat hij kan. Rocco is geen gitarist die het zoekt in stapels effectappara- tuur. Hoewel er op de cd met de Argentijn Ledesma wel momen- ten zitten waar hij op de pedalen trapt (‘Bellas Artes’), kiest hij toch liever voor het kale geluid van een (rechtstreeks ingeplug- de?) elektrische gitaar. Hij moet het dus veel meer van zijn frasering en andere snaarmatige effecten hebben. Je hoort hem de snaren soms bewerken met allerlei objecten, of laat hij de gitaar met tokkeleffecten anders klinken (‘La Tos’ heeft iets koto-achtigs). In het duo met Coxhill biedt het tokkelen een mooi contrast met de lange glissandi die zo kenmerkend zijn voor de Engelsman. In beide duo’s wordt er enorm goed geluis- terd, zodat een van de duopartners af en toe ook even zijn mond houdt, en zich beraadt op een volgende stap. Het dikke uur met Ledesma verveelt op die manier geen moment, en het ruime half uurtje met Coxhill had best wel langer gemogen. Blijkbaar speelden de heren op het festival in het Italiaanse Gradisca niet langer. Wie Rocco en Coxhill in actie wil zien, kan op Rocco’s website ( wat filmpjes bekijken. Daar is de desbetreffende cd ook te bestellen.

Andrea Ferraris

Dopo Braxton e Russell la Amirani si spara un altro monumento vivente dell'avant-impro-jazz anglofono, Lol Coxhill. Per chi non lo conoscesse rimane famoso un suo lavoro in coppia con Fred Frith dove "raddrizzano il culo ai passeri" viaggiando su una radicalità che negli anni '70 non era certo merce alla portata di tutti. Io poi l'ho adorato in altre mille lineup, dai lavori minori con Pierre Caurbois e Jasper Van't Hof a quelli con Steve Miller. Enzo Rocco oltre ad aver un curriculum jazz di tutto rispetto ha suonato con Moni Ovadia, Tiziana Ghiglioni, John Edwards, giusto per nominarne solo alcuni.

Rocco e Coxhill dialogano sullo stesso piano senza troppi cedimenti, anzi l'inglese in un certo modo si adagia sull'italiano, che sembra intessere le tele su cui far muover il vecchio ragno. Pur trattandosi di un live, la registrazione è molto buona e non risente assolutamente di eccessivi riverberi ambientali o quant'altro, il timbro della chitarra e del sax si distinguono senza troppi problemi e nessuna frase finisce per perdersi. Non sono pochi gli spazi che il sassofonista inglese lascia all'italiano per poter disegnare delle trame, non credo per stanchezza ma per una qualità che avevo già notato in altri lavori recenti: semplicemente non trova necessario suonare in ogni momento, questa in certi generi è la vera "virtù dei forti". Quelli che escono dai due strumenti sono suoni astratti ma pur sempre materia organica; infatti, se c'è una cosa che riconosco a Coxhill è quella di essere riuscito a suonare melodie e tempi sghembi, a giocare con l'astrazione e con le tonalità pur non perdendo una certa umanità. Per suo conto Rocco non è certo un musicista freddo, lo si sente nel suo fraseggio chitarristico ricco di suoni bassi e anche quando va sulle note più acute rimane sempre incline a tenere insieme l'idea di questo dialogo a due. Una performance di ottimo livello in cui senza sfociare nei massimi livelli dell'unione i due si intersecano molto bene mantenendo costante il grado di attenzione.

Criticas Novas

Apesar de nunca visto como um chefe-de-fila ou alguém que personifica tendências ou movimentações (na cena britânica mais depressa se apontam Evan Parker e John Butcher do que este gigante do saxofone soprano), Lol Coxhill há muito que conquistou um lugar próprio na música que aplica as metodologias da improvisação, esteja esta identificada com o jazz ou vá para regiões menos cartografadas. O seu duo com o guitarrista italiano Enzo Rocco acontece em pleno território do jazz (inclusive com fraseados próximos do bop), se bem que fuja a esse figurino pelo facto de o improviso dispensar uma estruturação prévia, e está ao nível do melhor que nos tem oferecido ao longo de décadas. E se Rocco tem ganho destaque nos últimos anos, temos aqui o seu "opus magnum", revelando uma inventividade e uma destreza que o colocam ao nível do seu parceiro. (...)
Francesco Martinelli

Another exciting release from Amirani Records, recorded live at one of the most exciting Italian festivals: All Frontiers Festival, in Gradisca d’Isonzo, on 15th November 2008. Coxhill & Rocco share the sense for the quirky melody, and the apparent limitation of resources – just soprano sax and a guitar – translates in a richness of invention, notes bent and colored, reed tones from the saxophones and muted passages on the guitar. The relatively short set – an undivided improvisation of 33 minutes – moves jauntily from one idea to the next, lines independently developing and suddenly finding a common point so precise and perfect that even advance planning could not produce such magic. None of the many ideas are worked to death, each voice gently prodding the other to go on, with determination that never creates frenzy. The music develop itself with its own rhythm, growing in space; each sound, cleanly enunciated, finds its place and meaning, against silence if need be. Coxhill is a master at this, his imagination linear but never obvious, while Rocco, who developed with Coxhill a special relation over the years, clearly stimulates him, suggesting ideas or quickly supporting the development of a line with deft touches and a clear, silvery tone. They clearly enjoy discovering each other's imagination, a split tone from the soprano or a quick chordal passage on the guitar branching out into new areas, surprisingly and yet logically, more often than not with a touch of light humor and self-deprecating irony – chirping and buzzing alternating with the occasional lyrical passage.

Check out Mauro Dazzara's fine companion video on It's a creative document: the elegant small town at night, its focused and diverse audience, a truly utopic community gathering there for the music and not for some other external reason. At the same time it allows the listener to associate the music with preparatory gestures and stage looks, as well as to realize how subtle and masterly are the technical resources involved in its creation. Precious signs of life.

Enrico Ramunni

Questa mezz'oretta di improvvisazione a due sul palco dell'All Frontiers Festival di Gradisca d'Isonzo è una delle migliori performance sentite ultimamente dal sax soprano di Lol Coxhill, artista funambolico e spesso dispersivo, qui più ispirato che mai. Occorre dar merito al partner, il chitarrista cremasco Enzo Rocco che del resto vanta collaborazioni con uno spiritello altrettanto fumino come Actis Dato; la discreta tessitura della sei corde crea un contesto che fa al contempo da stimolo e da appoggio per il fraseggio di Coxhill, la cui emissione evita ogni eccesso, talora riducendosi a un soffio. Cd da possedere nello splendore della sua traccia unica, magari da complementare con la visione dei filmati disponibili sul sito

KFJC 89.7 in Los Altos Hills, California
Sergio Eletto

Si potrebbe sostenere che Lol Coxhill oltre a impersonare l’idea assoluta d’irriducibile dell’improvvisata abbia nel frattempo guadagnato pure lo status di veterano collaborazionista degli ambienti creativi di casa nostra, calcando i palchi dei festival nostrani a partire dagli infossati ’70. “Fine Tuning” è la riprova lampante: una nitida azione sinergica congegnata dal sopranista inglese a spalla col chitarrista Enzo Rocco durante un live targato ’08, all’interno dell’All Frontiers Festival di Gradisca d’Isonzo, dove la coppia, affidatasi unicamente alla ricerca di un sound acustico, calibra in poco tempo (la performance supera di poco la mezz’ora) un fraseggio serpentino e appagante che difficilmente sfocia in territori cacofonici o in virulenti scatti della velocità. Il tutto assume le sfumature della morbidezza e della riflessione, soppesandosi tra un Lol ben disposto a mescolare liricità e climax notturno, mentre Enzo ingagliardisce l’ambiente con puntellature solistiche mucho raffinate, e nello stesso tempo sature di sbocchi jazzy invero dionisiaci. Per una volta si ha la possibilità di gustarsi l’incontro sia in formato audio che video: basta farsi un giro su e rinfrescarsi l’anima con le riprese integrali della serata.

Le son du grisly
Guillaume Tarche

Un « fine tuning », oui, c’est bien ce que Lol Coxhill (saxophone soprano) et Enzo Rocco (guitare) établissent durant la demi-heure – et ce n’est pas rien, pour le musicien impliqué ou l’auditeur concentré – de ce concert italien de novembre 2008 : « accordage délicat » & « impeccables accordailles », la « parfaite intonation » prévaut. Justesse de chaque intention, même en crabe, de chaque virage falsetto, jusque dans certains étranglements, enguirlandages et digressions de soprano parlando…

Dans cet agile jeu de truites mouchetées, la sinuosité des trajectoires ne fait qu’épouser, en une nerveuse sismographie, la très sérieuse fantaisie de Coxhill et de Rocco (on l’avait goûtée sur les London Gigs du guitariste, pour le label Prominence). Si ce dernier joue avec économie, le sopraniste passionne par son imagination linéaire mais non narrative, capricante, éraillée. Une belle présence à soi.
Stef Gjissels

It is a short album : one track of thirty-three minutes, with Lol Coxhill on soprano and Enzo Rocco on guitar, yet every minute is a pleasure. Both stellar musicians, each with his own distinctive sound, create in the moment improvisation, slowly, cautiously creating beautiful music, without hurry, yet full of emphasis and expressivity. Coxhill sings and moans, sometimes simultaneously, but to me Rocco is the real discovery. His touch on the strings is light, precise, full of unexpected phrases, with often a hypnotic circling around the same tone, gradually shifting, an easy focal point for the saxophonist to pick up the thread and expand on it. The end result is both intense and refreshing, with the duo a perfect match. Rocco's playing is intimate and pointillistic, as if he's sitting in the room next to you, without any reverb at all, with a low-toned and dry sound, while Coxhill's sax resonates, with his stretched phrases adding expansiveness and a sense of space. Great music is full of contrast. These guys know how to do it. A great album, only too short. 

Below the larger part of the concert. Check out 4/5 for Rocco's muted guitar precision - it sounds so simple, yet it sounds so great.
François Couture

Dans le panthéon des grands de la musique improvisée européenne, le saxo Lol Coxhill tient une place de choix. Et, malgré un âge plutôt vénérable, il continue de donner des concerts top niveau. En témoigne ce disque, un duo avec le guitariste italien Enzo Rocco enregistré en novembre 2008 devant public. Belles envolées, écoute solide, et Rocco est un guitariste fin avec une tendance à peine rock/fusion. Très réussi.

Vittorio Lo Conte

Una vita ricca di musica, all´insegna dell´eclettismo ma anche della creatività piú radicale, è cosí, in sintesi, che potremmo definire quello che fa il sassofonista soprano inglese Lol Coxhill. È già stato in Italia insieme al percussionista Andrea Centazzo, ora invece è insieme al chitarrista Enzo Rocco, che dopo un periodo di soggiorno a Londra ha deciso di continuare la collaborazione musicale. 

Un viaggio in territori fra sogno e realtà, fra la chitarra che si esprime per note singole, ed il sassofono soprano, unico per sonorità. È uno dei capiscuola moderni, finito anche su samples di musica house, capace, da solo o in compagnia, di costruire atmosfere che sono solo sue. 

Qui, dal vivo, dimostra tutta la sua classe, lasciandosi ispirare dalle linee melodiche di Rocco, ipnotizzando gli ascoltatori in un lungo brano, quasi trentacinque minuti, in cui si celebra il genere creativo nel modo migliore.


music _ Lol Coxhill (PRS) & Enzo Rocco (SIAE)
live recordings _ 2008, November, the 15th at 
All Frontiers Festival, Gradisca D’Isonzo, Italy
sound engineer _ Maurizio Carraro
mixing _ Enzo Rocco & Luca Angelini/Quinta Stazione Production
cover painting _ “Faux Escalier”  by Mike Tolleb
graphics _ Nicola Guazzaloca
production _ Gianni Mimmo for Amirani records