Andrea Massaria

Andrea Massaria was born on 10/4/65 in Trieste, Italia. He started out studying classical guitar with Masters Guido Percacci and Pierluigi Corona. In 1990, he began to dedicate himself to jazz, contemporary music and their experimental aspects, thus heightening his musicality with creative improvisation.

The artist took part in many Italian and European jazz festivals and co-operated with the Italian Broadcasting Corporation RAI. He received many grants and prizes, in 1997 he won the 'Eddie Lang Guitar Contest', a significant competition for jazz guitarists and aroused attention in the category of 'Top Jazz Classification'.

The musician collaborates with Butch Morris, Oliver Lake, Greg Ward, Sylvie Courvoisier, Tom Rainey, Rob Mazurek, Giancarlo Schiaffini, Matt Maneri, Bruce Ditmas, Danilo Gallo, Michele Rabbia, Pasquale Mirra, Walter Prati, Cristiano Calcagnile, Stefano Battaglia, Francesco Bearzatti and many others.

Andrea Massaria teaches jazz guitar at the Conservatorio B. Marcello in Venezia and gives courses and masterclasses. He is living and working in Trieste and Venezia